
Davey's newest videos, fresh from the Davey Wavey Fitness YouTube channel.

Video: Davey’s Urban Street Workout!

Screen Shot 2013-07-29 at 9.27.39 AMSome people grumble that working out is boring. Or expensive. Or inconvenient.

I say, use a little imagination. You can have a free, fun workout pretty much anywhere and at any time.

Case in point: In today’s video, I hit the streets of downtown Los Angeles to incorporate everyday objects into my gym routine. It’s actually a lot of fun and it can provide for a great, heart-pumping workout. Use the exercises that I demonstrate as inspiration and then create your own workout wherever you live - urban, rural or otherwise!

The world is your playground! Have fun with it.

Video: Thick is In.

Screen-Shot-2013-07-29-at-9.11.06-AMLast week, I answered a question from someone wanting to lose weight from their thighs.

The truth is, the commentator isn’t alone. Every day, I get dozens of emails from both men and women about the desire to be thin. It’s not about being healthy or about being strong; it’s about being skinny. And though I understand where this desire comes from, I think all of us could use a reality check when it comes to body image.

Over the weekend, I decided to record a video on the topic - and posted it on my second YouTube channel, DaveyWaveyRaw. Because body image is so central to health and fitness, I wanted to share it with you.

Check it out. Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Healthy Energy Bar [Recipe]

Screen Shot 2013-05-29 at 9.42.45 AMI just got back from a visit to Kalani on the Big Island of Hawaii, and they were nice enough to share their healthy Honu Energy Bar recipe with all of you! I’m absolutely addicted and I think you will be, too.

Check out the video below!

How Much Sugar Does the Average American Eat?

Screen Shot 2013-04-29 at 11.43.54 AMSugar is sweet - but the more you eat, the more you increase your risk for ailments and diseases like diabetes, depression, high blood pressure and more.

Despite the toxicity of added sugar, most of us eat a lot of it. And I mean A LOT.

If you’re up for watching a very disturbing visualization of all the added sugar we eat - watch this video that I posted to the Davey Wavey Fitness YouTube channel. I hope that it inspires all of us to make some much-needed changes in the foods we eat.

5-Minute Awesome Chair Workout!

Screen Shot 2013-01-30 at 4.44.15 PMOf all the uses for a chair, sitting in one is the least conducive to a healthy lifestyle. In fact, studies show that sitting more means dying sooner - even if you exercise.

So let’s turn the tables on chairs (pun intended) by putting them to work for us! To that end, I put together a quick, 5-minute chair workout that you can do from the comfort of your home. While it may not leave you looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger, it will certainly get your heart rate up and your blood pumping.

Give it a try and let me know what you think in the comments below. Cheers to chairs!